Random Photo of The Month – Man of Steel: Lara

Hi fellow human’s and friends today’s post will focus on a Random Photo of the Month. Today’s picture or gifs will focus on the movie Man of Steel which came out this year and is by far one of my favorite movie’s from DC this year.


  So let’s start with the first picture which shows Lara telling Jor’el that she tumblr_musmrj1EU71qgr036o2_250can’t do it, she can’t bear the thought of leaving her son. The picture captures a mother with her last moments with her son as she prepares to lose him.


 Lara looks upon Kal’el before she hands him over to Jor’el signifying the love between mother and son.

tumblr_musmrj1EU71qgr036o6_250 Last moment to touch and look at her son before he boards the shuttle to Earth, Lara will never see her son after this moment and you can see she will never get to see him grow up.


Lara  tells the computer to proceed with the ignition, she is done with the weeping as she knows her son is essential for the survival of their race.

 tumblr_musmrj1EU71qgr036o7_250Lara looks up to the shuttle and tells her son to build a better world than Krypton as the Kryptonian’s have literally destroyed there dying planet.

tumblr_musmrj1EU71qgr036o8_r1_250 Lara tells General Zod (my 2nd favorite character in the movie) that not even Zod can reach him and that his name is Kal, Son of El.

tumblr_musmrj1EU71qgr036o9_250 During the last moments on Krypton Lara looks to the stars hoping that her son will be safe and endure the long journeys ahead, but knowing her and Jor’el will always be with him in his heart.

Hope you enjoyed my random photo ^.^

Jenno ^,^

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