Avenir de la Beauté – Inspiring Architecture of our Day and Age.

Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder: Modern Designs in Architecture

Hey dudes and dudettes! Donna here, if you guys are following us now you can kind of tell who is updating on certain days. If there are any ideas or questions you would like to us just give us a yell at the contact page, we would be glad to get back at you guys to keep things going and interesting. Keeping in tune with the artistic flare of this week, my focus will be on modern hotels that you may like to visit due to the beauty of their architecture.

I came across an article encapsulating modern architecture to fit travel enthusiast not too long ago, and got inspired by the different types of architecture we could find in hotels in many different places. The idea of inserting modernism into our hotels or different buildings for that matter is art and beauty created in physicality. The idea that these builders and architectures are able to do encapsulates the very idea that humans are able to do anything no matter what the risks and impossibilities are. We can make the impossible, possible as some structures may have been very difficult to construct.

Here are some hotels that captured my eye which captures the very essence of the architect’s beauty and its relation to the area.

- Created by Safdie Architects

Marina Bay Sands in Singapore

Created by Asymptote

The Yas Hotel in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Created by White Arkitekter Ab

Stockholm Waterfront in Stockholm, Sweden

The embrace of these beautiful oblong architecture in many different cities have changed our perspectives on the future and what we would like to embrace in the buildings we create. Not only is it art, but it serves a great functionality as well. Architecture is becoming a medium in which art is displayed and embraced by photographers, other buildings addicts, and many of the general public. The oblong shape draws the eye although if you keep a close eye on the modernistic structures we can see a play in the geometric shapes we routinely see on a daily basis, the only thing is the placement of these geometric figures. The placement isn’t in a rigid normative structure we have seen in past architecture, rather in a random beautiful manner. This randomness is what gives of that creative and artistic flare in the building that draws eyes towards them. If this randomness is what future buildings in homes and other buildings like schools, government, etc. would be built as count me in, creating this artistic futuristic type building is truly beauty itself and also the ability for human kind to create art forms in the realistic world. Not only that many of these buildings are created from environmentally friendly parts in which we stray off from the normalcy of wood and brick into glass, metal forms to captivate the beauty we harness in these structures whether in hotel form. Architects create these eyes of beauty to allow those captivated to see the piece of art in different ways in many different perspectives. Take for example when you take a look an object you may perceive it to be one way, but an artist tries to open up your mind and take a look at a piece of art in different perspectives. These buildings embrace these ideas, as maybe being inside or outside of the building in different spots may provide a different look into the structure, like the idea of the clouds, some people may see a tiger, others may see a lion. It’s all within perspective and these buildings challenge the perspective you create in comparison to others. Of course these types of buildings require lots of income to create, but the end result in itself is bountiful as these places are rare occurrences at the moment, although in the near future they may not be if we keep on this trend. Thus many businesses have started to pull their resources together to remanufacture their buildings or institutions to attend to the idea of modernism in our day and age. Like many things, such as technology, we have to keep up or we lag behind, the use of architects in building these structures is the very idea that we as humans are trying to keep up with creating entertaining or fascinating thematic buildings. The main thing I really loved from these buildings is the theme that it carried with them especially in the type of area they were located in. It captures many aspects of that area such as having an industrial look to it or the use of colour or even the type of materials use to better suit the building in different types of environments. The embrace in modernity has been captured in these types of buildings, either you embrace it or you don’t. These buildings are a sight for photographers creating photo-op adventures.  So if you are seeking adventure or just a photo-op go take a look at these unique buildings, I guarantee you the artistic drive and creativity we see will captivate you to embracing modernity and love for architecture. Till later guys!

xoxo Donna.

Throwback Video from the Past: D.Gray Man (Anime) AMV

By: Jenno
Created on June 14, 2010
Anime – D.Gray Man
Music – Avril Lavigne ~ Innocence

Hey dudes and dudettes! Donna here! Still trying to decide what content we should post up here. If there is anything you would like to see let us know by contacting us on our contact sheet. Decided to switch focus and leave it as an entertainment week with the movies and videos I have been watching. Next week you can stay tuned with more health-related posts from myself. Everyone’s present schedules have been hectic but we are trying to provide content that everyone will enjoy. Just to introduce the video content, there may be some videos on here of other people’s work that we enjoy or our own content.

This is somewhat a throwback of projects we were working on from previous years, especially my brother Jenno who was a proactive member of video editing and creative direction, as he was enrolled in Centennial College’s Game Design Program in 2010. Again, this was the time when YouTube started becoming popular among the general public in which many people started tuning into YouTube for entertainment purposes. To agree with that all three of us became more involved with YouTube like the general public became, YouTube became part of our lives and a place where we could attain our information through video format allowing us to get a clear picture on the topic we have searched about.

Enough of all that, back then we used to watch a lot of different types of videos whether they were game commentaries, music videos by different artists, comedic videos, etc. AMV’s were a hit for its time especially during an era where so much great anime content was readily available. One of them was D.Gray Man, one of my top favourites other than Gundam Wing and Seed/Seed Destiny, which is why this video was my pick over all the other AMV’s my brother has created. AMV’s are still popular now more than ever, but the impact it created on our younger technological generation, was due to the creativity of artistic and general public individuals whom were taken by different animes. These old AMV’s showed how easy it was to get into the scene back then, now the content is much more sophisticated and edited with high-quality professional programs. Don’t get me wrong the newer AMV’s are great, but these old AMV’s gave us substance and a story on how popular these types of videos became. We are in a society that is ever so changing with technology, we forget to stop and enjoy what we have created in the past to eventually lead to our futures.

So, to those who don’t know what AMV’s stand for it is Anime Music Videos, you can search a whole lot of them on YouTube as there are many past and present creators of AMV’s.  Anime is a film or television animation composing of many different genres such as romance, comedy, action, etc. These different anime’s gave us a break away from the constant worries of our world and into a fantasy world that may be difficult to depict in reality. This very aspect is why we enjoyed anime as a whole and why we still currently enjoy them. Although, I have moved onto other things, there isn’t once in awhile I still revert back to my anime-self in which I start to miss the things I did in the past. Hence the link between music videos and anime is a key feature to the lasting impact anime’s had on our creative minds. Many of us got involved with creating these videos as we became so invested in the anime itself that we couldn’t stop thinking about it (like me and my thoughts of Batman haha ^__^). Creating these music videos gave us an outlet of how different anime entertained us and how we would like to reproduce this entertainment to others by sharing it via different video media outlets to reproduce the same effects. In a sense, it allowed us to express our moods, and feelings we may be experiencing at the moment in a creative aspect but also gave us an outlet to pour our creative notions of expressivity into. It gave us time away from the real-world in a sense it gave us power to create and manipulate aspects of the fantasy we normally see in animes. Not only that, many creators may watch a particular scene and see different scenes that show different feelings/expressions and would like to tweak or manipulate with the scene via voice over commentary or music which was the prime source of expressivity. Linking music and anime became a way to express our hidden feelings about the anime itself or life for that matter. So for any of you out there, if you need a way to escape go watch AMV’s, or any music videos of different topics or genres for that matter or even the anime itself, it will always be a place to entertain and enjoy and escape the pressures of the real world.

You may think anime is not for everyone, I agree but give it a chance, maybe these expressive ways of showing interest of entertainment will help you get hooked! I hope you enjoy the video for what it was in its time and the effort and work you could do with basic programs like windows movie maker. I know I did and still do! It will always hold a place in my heart and memory of the things we could do back then! Times may be changing but we can always enjoy things in our past!

If you would like to visit my brother’s channel to see his past projects it is:

Youtube Channel (Jenno) ~ http://www.youtube.com/user/Gaddesa

Go Visit it although there is a small amount of videos, I hope he can post more and create more artistic things whether they be drawing, editing, or in any art format for that matter. Have a good rest of the weekend guys! Enjoy 🙂

xoxo Donna.