Creative Direction – Breathtaking and Inspiration Photos/Art

New York City ~ Hustle and Bustle Landscape Photo

New York City ~ Hustle and Bustle Landscape Photo

Hi fellow creative, artistic and photo connoisseurs, Jenno here part of the cotesinfinis team. I am in charge of the creative direction or artistic component of cotesinfinis, but I also post on a variety of things. My interests lie in photography, gaming, technology, and artistic flares which is why you will see me posting some of my pictures once I get things going with my sister’s (Donna’s) DSLR camera and having proper rendering programs to show you some of my work, but in the mean time here are some inspiring and creative work of others I was viewing via my Tumblr. If you would like to visit my Tumblr check out: Jd-Stark and you can follow anything I post there whether it be the funny memes, TV shows, movies, art, etc. that I enjoy.

So the photo I found via someone’s WeHeartIt Page unsure of who the photographer who took the photo may be to give credits too but click the link to see the actual photos and other photos the author may have posted.

Like many of you guys know, New York City has many photo-op opportunities which is why we see many landscape or photos being taken in New York City. The picture above is part of the Times Square/Central Park/Upper East Side District nearer to Times Square and Grand Central Station. The picture reminds me of my very first trip to New York City and shows what New York City has to offer. Although for its busyness and traffic, New York City is a beautiful place in which many buildings give off a sense of the city’s character.

The picture’s depths of displaying New York City’s character especially with the many old 1950’s apartment buildings, New Yorker’s character which is to busy minded business/students/fashion-minded people out and about finishing their tasks and duties. The profound symbol of New York which is the yellow taxi cabs numerous in number, the traffic, the heavy density of buildings and cars, alongside with a grey gradient of the atmosphere as pollution and cloudy skies are symbolic of New York City.

The thing that amazes me with this picture is how we can one can visualize this image and look at the Empire State Building which is the primary catcher to the eye, but not only that also the busyness of New York City is also captured. The picture in itself is a landscape type photo, but not only that it sets the tone, emotion and setting that New York City encapsulates. This wondrous beauty is an eye-catching image, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Hope this helps you decide whether or not you should take a photo-op weekend to NYC because count me in if you do decide to do so! Enjoy! See you guys later! Enjoy the rest of the weekend prior to school starts for some of you students!


“We are at peace. Always” – V TV Show

File:V 2009 Intertitle.png

Hello fellow reader’s and viewers as you can tell from the picture this post is about NO not V for Vendetta but rather the show V. If you don’t know about this show here’s a little info: V is an American TV show which aired on ABC for 2 seasons from November 3, 2009 to March 15, 2011 it also was a remake of the 1983 miniseries and is based on aliens visiting Earth and claiming they come in peace or do they….

Plot: During a normal day in New York everything seems like an ordinary day when suddenly a dark shadow looms over the city and suddenly there are huge alien ships hovering over the city, not just New York but 29 other cities (including New York). As all chaos breaks loose Anna appears on a giant holo on the ship all around the other 29 ships as well. We are all stunned by her as she doesn’t look like any other alien in other alien movies but bears the same resemblance to us human’s. Anna tells us all that we will not be harmed and that “We are at peace always”. Or are we.


Humans (resistance fifth column) –

File:Elizabeth Mitchell by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg     Erica Evans the leader of fifth column and an FBI counter terrorist agent literally the best position for a leader of the resistance, she also has a son Tyler who is dating Anna’s daughter and future Queen.

Morris Chestnut by Gage Skidmore.jpg  Ryan Nichols may look human but he’s not he’s actually a V who was sent to Earth as a scout but later turns to fifth column as he is exposed to human emotion.

Joel Gretsch by Gage Skidmore.jpg Father Jack Landry former U.S Army joins fifth column due to his un-easiness’ with the visitors.

Laura Vandervoort by Gage Skidmore.jpg  Lisa is the daughter of Anna and the future Queen she is growing human emotion which is befitting a Queen so she has to put two faces when confronting her mother Anna.

Charles Mesure by Gage Skidmore.jpg  Kyle Hobbes the point man for fifth column former SAS officer and is on the top most wanted lists for criminal organizations. If you want someone taken out you call him.

Scott Wolf by Gage Skidmore.jpg Chad Decker the news anchor and journalist he get’s a lot of access into the V ships and a lot of one on one time with Anna.

Visitors V’s –

 The High Commander and Queen of the Visitors she is truly evil and sophisticated she uses “bliss” to control her people just like Star Trek Borg Queen does almost.

 Anna’s most trusted advisor is Marcus whom she entrust with almost every piece of her plan and information with.

 Joshua is a V who is actually fifth column but is later discovered and suffers amnesia which he forgets that he is fifth column at the nearing end of season 2 he begins to remember his purpose all and all he is to late to disrupt Anna’s plans.

Opinion: For me this show was one of my favorite’s being a Sci-Fi nerd, I felt every episode had a motive and behind every motive there was a twist that made the story even better. Sadly not everyone felt this way and the show was canceled which made the ending a little to hard to handle in which naturally we humans would win the fight, but in this case we didn’t but Erica does overcome the Queen’s bliss and finds out that fifth column isn’t alone in the fight and underground join task force known as Project aerie’s is prepared to fight the V’s but that’s all we get to see really. In short if your in to Sci-Fi and aliens I would recommend watching this show as it’s a show you’ll never forget and you may be surprised as I am in how aliens could be so cunning. My rating 9/10.


Here’s what they really look like and as Anna says “We are at peace Always”.

Thanks everyone ^.^
