Game Review: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance box artwork.png

Hi guys today’s post will focus on a review on the hit game Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, it was produced by Kojima Productions same people who created the Metal Gear series but they took a different approach by letting a North American company Platinum Games take the reins in developing the game. Revengance is available for the ps3 and xbox360 and was released in North America February 19, 2013.

Story: The story takes place 4 years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots were players play as Raiden who works for the PMC (Private Military Company) maverick securities, as for the antagonist’s of the story PMC desperado Enterprises wants to keep the war going in peaceful nations so they can get funded form the war. Raiden’s main rival is Jetstream Sam in there first fight Sam defeats Raiden easily damaging his body but barely surviving later Raiden receives a newer body making him look sick lol and making him much more stronger.

Raiden soon learns that Desperado has created an allegiance with World Marshal (PMC) as there true goal is to take human children’s brains and implant them into cybernetic bodies to have them trained and ready to kill. As Raiden heads towards the World Marshal HQ he starts to have regret’s towards the people he killed and he start’s to regain his old persona “Jack the Ripper”. At the final turning point Raiden must face of the one behind it all senator Armstrong who has injected himself with nanomachines which have given unavailable strength and he’s nearly impossible to kill. Raiden is nearly killed when Bladewolf gives Samuel’s HF sword to kill Armstrong. In the epilogue Raiden resigns from Maverick and tells them “he has his own war to fight”

Gameplay:Revengance gameplay is different from traditional metal gear games it’s not to say it’s bad, for me it works and fits the story and character well. As you already know you play as Raiden wielding a katana and slashing everything in your path (literally) Rising is action oriented and a slash it up you can use a variety of different weapons like a rocket launcher or a dagger why go for those weapons when you can HF katana them to half. One feature that allows you to freely slice and precisely cut is “Blade Mode” in this mode time slows down and you can precisely aim were you want to cut them note you need the enemy’s guts or slash at the enemy to fill the gauge that allows bald mode. The boss fights are also why this game rocks the boss fights are like a traditional slash it up but with some quick time events and some blade mode trivia not to mentions the awesome soundtrack when facing these bosses I’m not a big fan on heavy metal but it fits this genre perfectly.

Verdict: My rating for this game would have to be 8.5/10 I really enjoyed it and must say it’s my number one from the Metal Gear series, I strongly recommend this game if you own one of the consoles for me it was a good stress reliever which I tried to cut everything in the level after I was done there was basically nothing left of anything. I can’t wait to see what Kojima will do with Meat Gear: The phantom Pain but clearly has gone back to his roots for the next gen consoles.

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Thanks for reading 
